Sunday, June 21, 2009

Treatment of mesothelioma

Unfortunately, mesothelioma usually isn't diagnosed until it has reached a later stage. Since it is an aggressive form of cancer, a cure is often impossible.

However, there are a number of treatment options that are used, and they vary depending on the type of cancer the patient has contracted along with a number of other factors like the overall health of the patient.

Surgery If the disease is diagnosed in an early stage, surgeons may try one of several types of to remove the cancer. These include:

Procedures to decrease fluid buildup in the chest which may cause breathing difficulty.

Removing the tissue around the lung or abdomen. A pleurectomy involves removing the tissue around the lungs. A peritonectomy removes the tissue lining around the abdomen.

Surgery known as debulking is intended to remove as much of the cancer as possible.

Surgeons may remove a lung and the surrounding tissue.

Chemotherapy This involves the use of chemicals to kill cancer cells.

Radiation This type of therapy employs high-energy beams that are directed to a specific area or areas affected by the cancer.

Combination therapy This involves using surgery, chemotherapy and radiation together. This is an extremely grueling type of treatment that isn't appropriate for everyone. Combination therapy appears to offer the most promising possibility for short term treatment, but in many cases, the cancer eventually returns.


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