Sunday, June 21, 2009

Mesothelioma Cancer

This rare cancer affects over 3,000 people each year, it is highly aggressive and fatal. People that have been exposed to asbestos over long periods are most at risk. Asbestos is a known toxin that irresponsible companies continued to market for decades in the face of scientific evidence proving its danger. Victims should seek legal help to make sure they are compensated. Attorneys have made these negligent companies pay millions of dollars to asbestos victims. This page informs victims of their treatment options, legal rights to damages and helps individuals locate experienced attorneys with proven track records of success.
Posted by ravi at 9:36 PM 0 comments
Prevention of mesothelioma
Prevention may be impossible for those who have been exposed to asbestos over an extended period of time. The following workers should take care to observe their employers' safety rules and procedures regarding asbestos exposure.

* Auto mechanics
* Construction workers
* Factory workers
* Gas mask manufacturers
* Insulation manufacturers
* Miners
* Railroad workers
* Ship builders

It's also important to remember that many older homes have asbestos components. But removing it can be extremely dangerous because of asbestos dust and fibers that can get into the air and therefore, into your lungs.

Check the Environmental Protection Agency website for advice on dealing with asbestos in the home.


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